1480 Panel Indicator
1480 is a universal pressure or temperature indicator with one or double configurable alarm as well as optional linear retransmission of the displayed process. Ideal for use in extrusion applications.
The design of the temperature sensor is designed to reduce friction between the melt and the sensor body as much as possible. The temperature sensor is able to withstand high pressures up to 1000 bar and can be ordered in variant J or K. You also have a choice of two types of sensor ends (flat or conical shape).
Configure your own product, according to your requirements and needs. If you are not sure about the configuration, tell us in the notes the necessary information about the existing sensor or product, even a competitor. We will be happy to help you find an alternative Dynisco product. If your request is urgent, let us know, we will do our best to help you resolve this situation to your satisfaction as quickly as possible. If we have all the information, we are able to offer a model with minor differences, which is in stock and you can have the necessary product the next day.
Dynisco’s model TB422J melt temperature thermocouple is used to measure the melt temperature of the plastic as it moves down the extruder barrel. Constructed with a fiberglass insulated element, the rugged stainless steel probe is interchangeable with Dynisco’s extrusion pressure transducers for easy installation. Dynisco’s melt temperature thermocouples are designed and manufactured to applicable ISA standards with accuracy traceable to the National Institute of Standard Technology (NIST).
Sensor extends into process
Type J thermocouple output
1/2 - 20 UNF mounting
0 to 900°F range
Flush to 1" immersion lengths
Better measurement
Standard output
Fits in standard thermowell
Wide range of measurements
Immersion lengths to match applications
1480 is a universal pressure or temperature indicator with one or double configurable alarm as well as optional linear retransmission of the displayed process. Ideal for use in extrusion applications.
Indicator 1490 is a universal device with one or two configurable alarms, optional linear process variable retransmission, optional pressure sensor power supply, and optional Modbus communication.
The 1498 series temperature controllers represent an economical solution for precise temperature control of the machine. Thanks to its DIN size and several output configurations, the controller is suitable for twin and single screw extruders, both for screw temperature zones and for adapter zones, together with heating / cooling for individual zones.
The 1496 series temperature controllers represent an economical solution for precise temperature control of the machine. Thanks to its DIN size and several output configurations, the controller is suitable for twin and single screw extruders, both for screw temperature zones and for adapter zones, together with heating / cooling for individual zones.
The Dynisco UPR900 is a compact 1/4 DIN process indicator. The UPR900 can display your preferred production process values. Optional secondary input for displaying the temperature or pressure of the polymer melt all in one place. The secondary input can be a strain gauge to measure the differential pressure in the process. The UPR900 contains two standard assigned alarms with the option to add a third alarm.
The ATC 990 series controller is a time-tested product that has received a new design and new functions. Compared to classic features such as pressure, temperature and alarm setting options, these new models are enhanced with the ability to monitor and record parameters to a USB drive, the undeniable advantage is the large display and interactive environment when setting up the controller.
Certifikati in odobritve
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Odkrijte svet naše spletne strani za e-učenje in spoznajte, kako poenostaviti vašo vsakodnevno uporabo naših izdelkov. Naše praktične in celovite tečaje ter informativne materiale vam bodo pokazali, kako poenostaviti in izboljšati uporabo naših tehnologij, razkriti nove informacije in tehnike ter optimizirati delovne procese. S temi viri boste dosegli večjo učinkovitost, prihranili čas in izboljšali rezultate vašega dela. Več informacij
Naši instrukcijski video posnetki ponujajo interaktiven način učenja o naših izdelkih. Združujejo vizualno in zvočno vsebino ter ponujajo praktične rešitve za pogoste težave, s čimer prihranite čas in se izognete morebitnim težavam. Če naletite na težavo, vam naši video priročniki ponujajo podrobna navodila in praktične nasvete za njeno reševanje. Na voljo so kadarkoli in predstavljajo priročen vir informacij, ki dopolnjuje našo tehnično podporo. Več informacij
Naši tehnični članki nudijo praktičen način za spoznavanje več o naših izdelkih in njihovi uporabi. Zagotavljajo podrobne informacije in praktične nasvete o reševanju pogostih težav, s čimer prihranite čas in se izognete morebitnim težavam. Če še vedno naletite na težavo, naši tehnični članki ponujajo posebna navodila za njeno reševanje. Na voljo so kadarkoli in predstavljajo priročen vir informacij, ki dopolnjuje našo tehnično podporo. Več informacij