Představuje novou generaci plastometrů LMI 6000 novinka v oblasti přístupnosti a výkonu. S novým elektromechanickým zdvihacím systémem lze nyní testy provádět bez přítomnosti obsluhy a bez ručního zvedání závaží, což umožňuje současné provádění testů na více strojích.
News & Events
Invitation to the International Fair in Poland 2023
We would like to invite you to the International Plastics and Rubber Processing Fair PLASTPOL, which will take place from 23 to 26 May 2023.
Central European Plastics Meeting
We are participating the Central European Plastics Meeting in Budapest. We look forward to seeing you at the conference. Várkert Bazár Budapest, Hungary September 13 to September 14.
Most read articles
Encoder settings LMI 5000
LMI 5000 Series Capillary Plastometer Digital Encoder Setup Guide.
Coping with Transducer-Crippling Pressure Spikes
Many transducers in fluid power systems fall victim to short-duration pressure overloads– commonly called pressure spikes. If these spikes are severe enough, a permanent, positive zero shift in the transducer's output can occur.After investigating these spikes, we developed a laboratory method for determining the magnitude of the actual pressure spike that caused a specific field failure. The method shows that pressure spikes many times that of nominal system pressure can occur in a system.
Mercury Fill Sensors
A transducer is an electronic device that converts energy from one form to another. In the case of a Dynisco pressure transducer, the process fluid exerts a pressure force on a thin flexible metal diaphragm at the tip of the sensor. This, in turn, stresses a small sensing device called a strain gage. This strain gage then converts the pressure stresses to a low level millivolt signal, which can be further conditioned to yet another signal type.