
An overview of the event to which we would like to invite you. New products and useful information.

LMI 6000 Series

Představuje novou generaci plastometrů LMI 6000 novinka v oblasti přístupnosti a výkonu. S novým elektromechanickým zdvihacím systémem lze nyní testy provádět bez přítomnosti obsluhy a bez ručního zvedání závaží, což umožňuje současné provádění testů na více strojích.

Central European Plastics Meeting

We are participating the Central European Plastics Meeting in Budapest. We look forward to seeing you at the conference. Várkert Bazár Budapest, Hungary September 13 to September 14.

Dynisco product catalog

Dynisco Product Portfolio

From breakthrough technology in the industry’s most complete line of sensors to renowned quality and performance in indicators, controls, and analytical instruments Dynisco has demonstrated the skill, experience and know-how that not only deliver the right solution for your unique application, but also provide unparalleled customer support.


K-Show 2022

Dear business partners,
We would like to invite you to one of the most famous plastic fairs in the world. This year is the jubilee 70th international trade fair for plastics and rubber, which takes place from 19 to 26 October 2022 in the German city of Düsseldorf. This year you will also find us at the Dynisco stand, which is located in hall no. 10 and stand no. 08.

Invitation to the international fair in Brno

Dear business friends, allow me to cordially invite you, on behalf of our entire company Azurr-Technology s.r.o., to the International Engineering Fair, which takes place on 8-12. 11. 2021. With some of you, we have not seen each other for a really long time ...

Invitation to the International Fair in Poland

21.09 2021 to 23.09.2021

We would like to invite you to the international plastics fair in the city of Kielce, which will take place from 21 to 23 September 2021. Products from Dynisco, including testing, will be on display.

Ecology, recycling and education

Today, great emphasis is placed on ecology and recycling. A very interesting project was presented by Mr. Marek Margielewski with the company Plast-Mar. If you are serious about ecology and recycling, you have to start with the smallest ones. And that is why a project of a recycling company with an educational program for children, students, basically for everyone who shows interest in it, was created. Therefore, we decided to help and be part of this interesting project.