In this episode, Microsoft's IoT Transformers Podcast hosts Deb Oberly and Dani Diaz talk with Dynisco President, John Biagioni, who is bringing our vision of "rheology to the masses" to fruition with trailblazing cloud solutions for the plastics industry. Learn about the details of our industry and company, the surprises and insights along our journey crafting our IoT solutions, the immense value of the data we are collecting and our deliberate approach for continued success in this space.
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Naša naloga ni le zagotavljanje visokokakovostnega izdelka, temveč tudi pomoč z deljenjem našega znanja in izkušenj z vami. S tem vam prihranimo čas in denar ter vam omogočimo, da se osredotočite na druge pomembne vidike vašega poslovanja.
Dynisco ViscoIndicator Webinar
The goal of this presentation is to provide a better understanding what's going on in the polymer market; explain why there is a market need for rheologic instrumentation; and introduce an online rheometer that is economical, easy to install, and applicable to all extrusion processors.
Simplified Rheology for the Masses: A Technical Discussion
In this webinar, we focus on the technical aspects of correlating laboratory measurements with full production runs. We discuss how parameters change between laboratory standards and production and how advanced equipment today can adjust for these differences. We also go