Industrial series

831 | 851 | 861 Dynisco Pressure Sensors for Industrial Use

831 | 851 | 861

Models 831, 851 and 861 have universal signal converters with a compact design and pressure measurement accuracy of ± 0.25% of full power range. The optional configuration allows users to select a pressure range, mounting connection and output signal that meets the specific requirements of the application. The adhesive mV sensor ensures reliable operation in a wide range of industrial applications.

All sensors in this series can be configured according to your needs. Contact us, we will be happy to help you.

831 | 851 | 861 Dynisco Pressure Sensors for Industrial Use

831 | 851 | 861 Dynisco Pressure Sensors for Industrial Use

Poptávkový systém

Nakonfigurujte si vlastní produkt, podle Vašich požadavků a potřeb. Pokud si s konfigurací nebudete jistí, uveďte do poznámek potřebné informace o stavajícím produktu třeba i konkurenčním. Rádi Vám pomůžeme najít alternativní produkt z řady Dynisco. Pokud je Vaše poptávka urgentní informujte nás o tom, uděláme maximum, abychom Vám pomohli tuto situaci vyřešit co nejrychleji. Pokud máme tyto informace jsme schopní nabídnout model s drobnými odlišnostmi a vy můžete mít zboží již druhý den u Vás. 

Pokud potřebujete více informací, neváhejte nás kontaktovat.

Konfigurační kód

Vaše osobní údaje budou zpracovány podle Podmínek zpracování osobních údajů.

Reliable Operation In A Wide Range Of Industrial Applications

831 | 851 | 861 Series Pressure Sensors

Interchangeable configuration allows users to specify the pressure range, pressure port and output level that meet specific application requirements. A bonded strain gauge sensor provides reliable operation in a wide range of industrial applications.

⚠ WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including mercury and lead, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. For more information, go to

831 | 851 | 861 Series

Dynisco models 831, 851, and 861 general purpose transducers offer flexible design and a pressure measurement accuracy of ±0.25% full scale output. Interchangeable configuration allows users to specify the pressure range, pressure port and output level that meet specific application requirements. A bonded strain gage sensor provides reliable operation in a wide range of industrial applications

Performance Characteristics 

Pressure Range: 0 - 30 000 PSI
Accuracy:  ±0.25% FSO including linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability


Electrical Characteristics 


Full Scale Output: 831: 3 mV/V ±0.5% 851/861: 5 Vdc/10 VDC
Input/Output Resistance: 831: 350 ±10 Ohms
Internal Shunt Calibration: 831/851/861: 80% ±0.5% FSO
Zero Balance: 831: ±2% FSO
Zero And Span Adjustment: 851/861: ±5% FSO
Input Voltage:  831: 10 Vdc recommended, 15 Vdc maximum
851: ±12 to ±16 Vdc, 24 to 32 Vdc
861: ±14 to ±16 Vdc, 24 to 32 Vdc
Insulation Resistance: 831: 1,000 megohms @ 50 VDC 851/861: 100 megohms @ 50 Vdc
Internal Shunt Calibration: 30/850/860: 80% ±0.5% FSO (typical) 80% ±1% FSO (maximum) 
Input Current: 851/861: 45 mA (maximum) @ 2K load

Temperature Characteristics


Operating Range:  831: -65°F to +250°F (-54°C to +120°C) 851/861: -20°F to +185°F (-29°C to +85°C)
Compensated Range 831/851/861: 0°F to 150°F (-18°C to +66°C)
Temperature Effect On Zero:   831/851/861: ±0.005% full scale/°F(±0.009% full scale/°C)
Temperature Effect On Span: 831/851/861: ±0.005% full scale/°F(±0.009% full scale/°C)

Mechanical Characteristics 


Safe Overpressure: 1.5 x rated pressure
Burst Pressure: 100 - 250 psi: 10 x rated pressure 500 - 3,000 psi: 5 x rated pressure 5,000 - 10,000 psi: 3 x rated pressure
Wetted Material: 17 - 4 PH, 15 - 5 PH stainless stee
Cover Material: 303, 304 stainless steel
Weight: 851/861: Approximately 17 ounces; 831: 13 ounces


Ordering Guide for 831 | 851 | 861 Series

831 | 851 | 861 Series - Dimensions  

All dimensions are inches (mm) unless otherwise specified.

832 Model

Dynisco's 832 is a universal sensor for most applications. The sensor offers highly accurate pressure measurement in the range of 0 to 10,000 PSI. Excellent temperature compensation is ensured by high performance in operating environments up to 120 ° C. Its high accuracy and robust design make it ideal for a variety of applications, such as test stands for the automotive and automotive industries up to test equipment for polymer systems.

830 | 850 | 860

Models 830, 850 and 860 are sensors for general use, offering flexible design and accuracy of pressure measurement ± 0.50% of full range. The optional configuration allows users to specify pressure ranges, mounting connections and output signals that meet specific application requirements. The compact sensor ensures reliable operation in a wide range of industrial applications.

Certifikati in odobritve

Pregled razpoložljivih certifikatov in odobritev: Obiščite to povezavo, ki vas bo odpeljala na stran s celovitim seznamom trenutnih certifikatov in odobritev za naše izdelke. Tu lahko preverite, ali naša ponudba ustreza najvišjim standardom kakovosti in varnosti. Več informacij


Odkrijte svet naše spletne strani za e-učenje in spoznajte, kako poenostaviti vašo vsakodnevno uporabo naših izdelkov. Naše praktične in celovite tečaje ter informativne materiale vam bodo pokazali, kako poenostaviti in izboljšati uporabo naših tehnologij, razkriti nove informacije in tehnike ter optimizirati delovne procese. S temi viri boste dosegli večjo učinkovitost, prihranili čas in izboljšali rezultate vašega dela. Več informacij

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