DevCom2000-Lite Software
Viatran has partnered with ProComsol to bring you an “easy to use” method for calibrating our hammer unions in the field.
DevCom2000-Lite software enables your PC to communicate with Viatran Models 511,521 & 522 Hammer Union pressure transmitters via the HART® communication protocol.
With the familiar Windows interface, the DevCom2000-Lite software allows functions to be readily available. No need to struggle through pages of menus to find what you want.
All you need to get started is a Windows® based PC or laptop and a HART® Modem to connect to the Viatran hammer union pressure transmitter.
System Requirements** (minimums)
Operating System | Windows XP ( Windows 7 to 10) | |
Processor Speed | Pentium, 600 Mhz | |
Memory | 256 MB | |
Hard Disk Space | 500 MB | |
Monitor | 256-color VGA | |
Communication Port | USB, RS-232 | |
Hart® Modem | Part Number 51HMUSB04A, 51HMRS204A or equivalent | |
Resistor | 250 Ohm Loop Resistor |