Polymer Test

Cleaning Tool

Cleaning Tool

This tool is used to clean the chamber of melt flow indexer films and residue. One or two cotton patches are placed on the tool and the walls of the melt flow indexer barrel are cleaned by moving up and down. The capillary must be removed during this cleaning process, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the capillary.

Inquiry system 

Configure your own device, according to your requirements and needs. If you are not sure about the configuration, make the necessary information about the processed materials in the notes. Thanks to this information, we are able to create several offers depending on the equipment and after consultation you can choose according to your needs. If you need a comparison for tenders, we will be happy to help you find an alternative product from the Dynisco portfolio.

If you need more information do not hesitate to contact us.

Dynisco Configuration Code:

Twoje dane osobowe będą przetwarzane na podstawie Zasady przetwarzania danych osobowych..

Wskaźnik szybkości płynięcia LMFI55-2NENNNN

Melt Flow Indexer serii LMFI5500 umożliwia pomiar większości parametrów reologicznych tworzyw termoplastycznych, w tym IV dla PET. Seria LMFI 5500 jest jednym z najdokładniejszych urządzeń tego typu na świecie. Intuicyjne sterowanie ułatwia obsługę, posiada tryb ekspercki dla doświadczonych operatorów, który znacznie przyspiesza proces pomiaru, a zaawansowane funkcje i technologie zapewniają najwyższą możliwą dokładność pomiaru. Korekcja grawitacyjna i dwustrefowe ogrzewanie nie tylko spełniają, ale wręcz przewyższają wymagania najnowszej normy ISO1133-2.
Ten model jest idealny do kontroli jakości w laboratorium, instytutach lub uniwersytetach, gdzie dokładność naprawdę ma znaczenie. Wypróbuj LMFI 5500 i zyskaj niezawodny i dokładny instrument, który pozwoli Ci poprawić jakość Twoich produktów.

Wskaźnik szybkości płynięcia LMFI55-2NENNCN

This LMFI5500 series Melt Flow Indexer allows the measurement of most rheological parameters of thermoplastics including IV for PET. The LMFI 5500 series is one of the most accurate equipment of the type in the world. The intuitive controls make it easy to use, it has an expert mode for experienced operators that significantly speeds up the measurement process, and sophisticated features and technologies ensure the highest possible measurement accuracy. Gravity correction and dual zone heating not only meet but exceed the requirements of the latest ISO1133-2 valid standard.
This model is perfect for quality control in a laboratory, institutes or universities where accuracy really matters. Try the LMFI 5500 and get a reliable and accurate instrument that will allow you to improve the quality of your products.

Wskaźnik szybkości płynięcia LMI 5000


Model ten zawiera wiele kluczowych elementów i opcji, które zapewnią Ci codzienną pracę. Dzięki kolorowemu ekranowi dotykowemu obsługa urządzeń jest bardziej intuicyjna i łatwiejsza niż dotychczas, solidna konstrukcja i wysoka dokładność sprawiają, że jest to idealny pomocnik.

Plastometr do wytłaczania kapilarnego spełniający międzynarodowe normy ASTM D1238 i D3364, ISO 1133, BS 2782, DIN 53735, JIS K7210.

Reometr kapilarny LCR 7000

Reometry kapilarne serii LCR 7000 oferują szereg nowych funkcji i spełniają wymagania pracy 24-godzinnej, zachowując najwyższą możliwą dokładność, powtarzalność i czułość. Reometry serii LCR są uniwersalne i łatwe w użyciu, ale oferują najbardziej zaawansowane metody dedykowanej charakterystyki polimerów, analizy danych i możliwości raportowania. Seria LCR może być używana ze standardowym miernikiem siły i przetwornikiem ciśnienia zamontowanym w komorze reometru.

Spełnia ona normy:
DIN ISO-11433, DIN-53014, DIN-54811, ASTM-D3835

Plastometr kapilarny LMI 4000


Plastometr kapilarny serii LMI 4000, to przełom w dziedzinie pomiaru wskaźnika płynięcia. Na całym świecie sprzedano setki tysięcy urządzeń, a bardzo wiele z nich jest do dziś w codziennej eksploatacji. Jakość wykonania i dokładność, wraz z łatwością obsługi i konserwacji, były i są głównymi cechami produktu Dynisco do pomiaru wskaźnika płynięcia. 

Spełnia normy: 

ASTM D1238 i D3364, ISO 1133, BS 2782, DIN 53735, JIS K7210.


The Dynisco SPX 2-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter designed for use in hazardous locations and are available with a variety of different process and electrical connections. The SPX 2-Series is an all welded construction. These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature.


The Dynisco SPX 2-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter designed for use in hazardous locations and are available with a variety of different process and electrical connections. The SPX 2-Series is an all welded construction. These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature.


The Dynisco SPX 2-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter designed for use in hazardous locations and are available with a variety of different process and electrical connections. The SPX 2-Series is an all welded construction. These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature.

SPX 2241

The Dynisco SPX 2-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter designed for use in hazardous locations and are available with a variety of different process and electrical connections. The SPX 2-Series is an all welded construction. These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature.


The Dynisco SPX 2-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter designed for use in hazardous locations and are available with a variety of different process and electrical connections. The SPX 2-Series is an all welded construction. These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature.


The Dynisco SPX 2-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter designed for use in hazardous locations and are available with a variety of different process and electrical connections. The SPX 2-Series is an all welded construction. These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature.


The Dynisco SPX 2-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter designed for use in hazardous locations and are available with a variety of different process and electrical connections. The SPX 2-Series is an all welded construction. These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature.


The SPX-T (3-Series) is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter that includes Temperature Compensation and DynaLarity™, a Dynisco innovation. The SPX-T delivers the best spec performance in the line. Temperature Compensation is based on an RTD measurement that compensates for temperature variations which reduces temperature-related drift and increases accuracy. No need to re-zero for temperature changes after installation. DynaLarity uses an advanced algorithm that will linearize offsets due to process effects on the sensor.


The SPX-T (3-Series) is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter that includes Temperature Compensation and DynaLarity™, a Dynisco innovation. The SPX-T delivers the best spec performance in the line. Temperature Compensation is based on an RTD measurement that compensates for temperature variations which reduces temperature-related drift and increases accuracy. No need to re-zero for temperature changes after installation. DynaLarity uses an advanced algorithm that will linearize offsets due to process effects on the sensor.


The SPX-T (3-Series) is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter that includes Temperature Compensation and DynaLarity™, a Dynisco innovation. The SPX-T delivers the best spec performance in the line. Temperature Compensation is based on an RTD measurement that compensates for temperature variations which reduces temperature-related drift and increases accuracy. No need to re-zero for temperature changes after installation. DynaLarity uses an advanced algorithm that will linearize offsets due to process effects on the sensor.


The SPX-T (3-Series) is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter that includes Temperature Compensation and DynaLarity™, a Dynisco innovation. The SPX-T delivers the best spec performance in the line. Temperature Compensation is based on an RTD measurement that compensates for temperature variations which reduces temperature-related drift and increases accuracy. No need to re-zero for temperature changes after installation. DynaLarity uses an advanced algorithm that will linearize offsets due to process effects on the sensor.


The SPX-T (3-Series) is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter that includes Temperature Compensation and DynaLarity™, a Dynisco innovation. The SPX-T delivers the best spec performance in the line. Temperature Compensation is based on an RTD measurement that compensates for temperature variations which reduces temperature-related drift and increases accuracy. No need to re-zero for temperature changes after installation. DynaLarity uses an advanced algorithm that will linearize offsets due to process effects on the sensor.


The SPX-T (3-Series) is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter that includes Temperature Compensation and DynaLarity™, a Dynisco innovation. The SPX-T delivers the best spec performance in the line. Temperature Compensation is based on an RTD measurement that compensates for temperature variations which reduces temperature-related drift and increases accuracy. No need to re-zero for temperature changes after installation. DynaLarity uses an advanced algorithm that will linearize offsets due to process effects on the sensor.


The SPX-T (3-Series) is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter that includes Temperature Compensation and DynaLarity™, a Dynisco innovation. The SPX-T delivers the best spec performance in the line. Temperature Compensation is based on an RTD measurement that compensates for temperature variations which reduces temperature-related drift and increases accuracy. No need to re-zero for temperature changes after installation. DynaLarity uses an advanced algorithm that will linearize offsets due to process effects on the sensor.


The SPX-T (3-Series) is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter that includes Temperature Compensation and DynaLarity™, a Dynisco innovation. The SPX-T delivers the best spec performance in the line. Temperature Compensation is based on an RTD measurement that compensates for temperature variations which reduces temperature-related drift and increases accuracy. No need to re-zero for temperature changes after installation. DynaLarity uses an advanced algorithm that will linearize offsets due to process effects on the sensor.

SPX4222 & SPX4622

The Dynisco SPX 4-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter designed for use in hazardous locations and are available with a variety of different process and electrical connections These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature.  

SPX4352 & SPX4672

The Dynisco SPX 4-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter designed for use in hazardous locations and are available with a variety of different process and electrical connections These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature.  


The Dynisco SPX 4-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter designed for use in hazardous locations and are available with a variety of different process and electrical connections These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature.  


The Dynisco SPX 4-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter designed for use in hazardous locations and are available with a variety of different process and electrical connections These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature.  


The Dynisco SPX 5-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter that includes DynalarirtyTM , a Dynisco innovation that uses an advanced algorithm that will linearize offsets due to process effects on the sensor. The SPX 5-Series is an all welded construction designed for use in hazardous locations and is available with a variety of process and electrical connections. These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature


The Dynisco SPX 5-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter that includes DynalarirtyTM , a Dynisco innovation that uses an advanced algorithm that will linearize offsets due to process effects on the sensor. The SPX 5-Series is an all welded construction designed for use in hazardous locations and is available with a variety of process and electrical connections. These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature


The Dynisco SPX 5-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter that includes DynalarirtyTM , a Dynisco innovation that uses an advanced algorithm that will linearize offsets due to process effects on the sensor. The SPX 5-Series is an all welded construction designed for use in hazardous locations and is available with a variety of process and electrical connections. These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature


The Dynisco SPX 5-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter that includes DynalarirtyTM , a Dynisco innovation that uses an advanced algorithm that will linearize offsets due to process effects on the sensor. The SPX 5-Series is an all welded construction designed for use in hazardous locations and is available with a variety of process and electrical connections. These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature


The Dynisco SPX 5-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter that includes DynalarirtyTM , a Dynisco innovation that uses an advanced algorithm that will linearize offsets due to process effects on the sensor. The SPX 5-Series is an all welded construction designed for use in hazardous locations and is available with a variety of process and electrical connections. These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature


The Dynisco SPX 5-Series is a smart 4-20mA pressure transmitter that includes DynalarirtyTM , a Dynisco innovation that uses an advanced algorithm that will linearize offsets due to process effects on the sensor. The SPX 5-Series is an all welded construction designed for use in hazardous locations and is available with a variety of process and electrical connections. These amplified transmitters eliminate the need for external signal conditioning. All models can interface directly with distributed control systems, PLC's, computers, and similar high level control devices. Optional thermocouple or RTD configurations are available to provide melt temperature