High performance

Model 424 Pressure Transmitter

Model 424 Pressure Transmitter

The Model 424 is a versatile high-performance test and control sensor that offers a fast response time, noise immunity, and is CE compliant. Viatran takes pride in offering excellent customer support combined with a technically superior product.
Developed for engine test stands with space constraints, the Model 424 is small in size, but packs a high-performance punch. The electronics and silicon sensor design have a combined accuracy of better than ±0.08%. Available standard output is 0-5 Vdc for PSIA or 0.25 - 5.25 Vdc for PSIG measurements.
Viatran’s ability to customize products provides extreme flexibility, allowing the 424 to easily fit into your existing system. Options include alternate pressure ports, electrical connectors, direct coupled cable, and various electrical outputs. The "424" series is just one of the latest additions to Viatran’s portfolio of pressure sensors. They are designed to fit a wide range of applications where accuracy, stability, and reliability are important. The RoHS compliant 6-pin bayonet circular connector is one of many standard features.

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Konfigurační kód Viatran:

Vaše osobní údaje budou zpracovány podle Podmínek zpracování osobních údajů.


0-5 Vdc, 0-3 to 5000 psi - For use in applications requiring small footprint

The Model 424 is a versatile high-performance test and control sensor that offers a fast response time, noise immunity, and is CE compliant. Viatran takes pride in offering excellent customer support combined with a technically superior product.

Developed for engine test stands with space constraints, the Model 424 is small in size, but packs a high-performance punch. The electronics and silicon sensor design have a combined accuracy of better than ±0.08%. Available standard output is 0-5 Vdc for PSIA or 0.25 - 5.25 Vdc for PSIG measurements.

Viatran’s ability to customize products provides extreme flexibility, allowing the 424 to easily fit into your existing system. Options include alternate pressure ports, electrical connectors, direct coupled cable, and various electrical outputs. The "424" series is just one of the latest additions to Viatran’s portfolio of pressure sensors. They are designed to fit a wide range of applications where accuracy, stability, and reliability are important. The RoHS compliant 6-pin bayonet circular connector is one of many standard features.

Performance characteristics

Full-Scale Pressure Range (FSPR) 0-3 thru 0-5000 PSI (0-0.2 to 0-345 bar)
Zero balance ≤± 0.25% FSO
Non-Linearity (Best Fit Straight Line) ≤±0.06% FSO standard, optional ±0.04%
Hysteresis & Repeatability ≤±0.06% FSO standard
Full Scale Output 5 Vdc≤ ± 0.25% FSO
Long Term Stability ≤± 0.3% FSO per 6 months
Compensated Temperature* 32°F to 180°F (0°C to 82°C)
Operating Temperature Range -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)
Storage Temperature -40°F to 250°F (-40°C to 121°C)
Maximum Fluid Temperature 250°F (121°C)
Combined Thermal Effect (zero & span) ≤±2% FSO per 100°F typical
Compensated Temperature Range 32°F to 180°F (0°C to 82°C)

Electrical characteristics

Supply Voltage 9 to 30 Vdc
Power Supply Regulation <±0.05% FSO per Volt
Output Signal 0-5 Vdc (PSIA) 0.25 - 5.25 Vdc (PSIG)
Circuit Protection Short circuit and reverse polarity protected
Voltage Spike Protection Withstand 1000 volt spike per EN6100-4-5
RFI/EMI Suppression CE marked, EN 61326
Insulation Resistance <5nS conductance
Response Time ≤2 milliseconds
Electrical Connections 6-pin bayonet style SST (standard)
Pin Outs

Pin A+Power
Pin B-Power
Pin C+Signal
Pin D-Signal
Pin E  DC ground (standard)
Pin F  No connection

Connector Options BP   Micro change (M12)
BN   4-pin bayonet
ZU   Cable gland

Materials of Construction

Wetted Parts 316L stainless steel
Housing 316 stainless steel
Weight 3.5 oz nominal
Identificatios Laser etched onto body

Mechanical characteristics

Pressure Connection 1/8" NPT female
Proof Pressure

3x range or 1,200 PSI (whichever is less) for 0-3 thru 0-500 PSI

3x range or 9,000 PSI (whichever is less) for 0-1,000 thru 5,000 PSI

Burst Pressure

5x range or 2,400 PSI (whichever is less) for 0-3 thru 0-500 PSI

5x range or 10,000 PSI (whichever is less) for 0-1,000 thru 0-5,000 PSI

Pressure Cavity Volume 1.5 mL
Mounting May be supported by process piping





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Certifikáty a schválení

Přehled dostupných certifikátů a schválení: Přehled certifikátů a schválení: Navštivte tento odkaz, který vás přenese na stránku s úplným seznamem aktuálních certifikátů a schválení pro naše produkty. Zde si můžete ověřit, že naše nabídka splňuje nejvyšší standardy kvality a bezpečnosti. Další informace


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